Press Releases

Statement Relating to 3 Ireland
(Hong Kong, 29 January 2014) In response to media enquiries on speculation of the European Commission’s stance of 3 Ireland’s proposed acquisition for O2 Ireland, Hutchison Whampoa Limited (HWL) reaffirms that our 3 Ireland colleagues are working with the European Commission (EC) to obtain clearance for the acquisition.
As with 3 Austria’s acquisition of Orange Austria which was completed on 3 January 2013, this transaction involves many stages that are not dissimilar to that of the Austrian transaction.
HWL spokesperson said, “3 Ireland’s conversations with the EC have been productive and have reiterated our belief that the combined business of 3 Ireland and O2 Ireland will put 3 Ireland in a better position to challenge the current incumbent operators and bring greater consumer and competition benefits to the people of Ireland. The issue of a Statement of Objections is part of the normal process and is not a ‘complaint’ nor is it sign of ‘blocking’ from the regulators. 3 Ireland will continue to work with the EC and we remain confident that the proposed acquisition will be approved.”
For further details, please contact:
Hutchison Whampoa Limited
Mr Hans Leung
Tel: +852-2128 1370