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Hutchison Global Crossing
officially renamed Hutchison Global Communications

Hong Kong, 20 August 2002 - Hutchison Global Crossing has changed its English name to Hutchison Global Communications ("HGC"). HGC's Chinese name "" remains unchanged. The change in the company name has no impact on the existing contracts, businesses, or day-to-day operations of the company.

The change follows Hutchison Whampoa Limited ("HWL") repurchase of Asia Global Crossing's 50% interest in HGC in April 2002. Following the repurchase, HGC has become a wholly owned subsidiary of HWL.

As in the past, HGC will continue to expand its full fibre optic network and provide to customers a wide range of innovative telecom services including ultra-high speed broadband access, data and voice transmission and international calling services.

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For media enquiries, please contact:

Hutchison Global Communications
Sally Tsang
Senior Public Relations Manager
Tel: 2128 6708
Fax: 2187 2055