(For Immediate Release)
(Hong Kong 13th June 2001) Following confusing recent coverage in the press on farm chicken sold in the supermarkets, PARKnSHOP wishes to reassure that it has never imported any chilled chicken from the Mainland China. All the farm chicken sold in its stores are previously frozen and then naturally thawed clean and hygienically in its own temperature controlled Fresh Food Distribution Centre.
PARKnSHOP has not misled its customers. It is clearly indicated on the price tag in its stores and in its newspaper advertisements that such farm chicken are "freshly thawed". In order to make it even easier for the customers, PARKnSHOP will change the description of this product to "Farm Chicken - previously frozen" immediately.
Food safety is PARKnSHOP's passion, it follows stringent food hygiene and safety control procedures on its farm chicken as follows:
PARKnSHOP's farm chicken is imported from a government approved and state-of-the-art chicken processing plant in China. This facility has been audited and approved by its Fresh Check Quality Assurance Team.
This plant is approved and licensed by the PRC government to export frozen chicken.
This plant has an on-site veterinary surgeon to ensure the chicken are healthy before slaughtering.
Chicken are freshly slaughtered and immediately deep freezed at 40oC in the plant, export to Hong Kong in frozen trucks, naturally thawed in PARKnSHOP's refrigerated Fresh Food Distribution Centre, then distribute to stores in its own refrigerated trucks and displayed in refrigerated condition in its stores. The whole process is clean and hygienic and is handled under a complete cold chain to ensure food safety.
Every batch of the frozen chicken imported for PARKnSHOP is accompanied with PRC approved health certificate.
- PARKnSHOP's Fresh Check Assurance Team takes farm chicken samples on a regular basis to test in its microbiological laboratory to monitor food safety.
As always, PARKnSHOP makes food safety its highest concern and wishes its customers to be reassured on this issue.