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CIA Italy to plan H3G advertising

Milan, 15 March 2001 - H3G, third generation multimedia mobile operator, entrusted the 2001 media planning strategy to CIA Italy. CIA Italy was chosen out of five competitors.

The CIA Italy team focused on H3G's media campaign from now until the commercial launch, expected for the first semester of 2002, will be composed of ten members to start off and double by 2002.

Stefano Piastrelli, H3G advertising director, said: "All the media centers that participated were at a high level and the choice was not easy. The media center selection has a strategic importance, especially in the start-up phase. Although H3G is still a start-up, it is growing quickly and we are sure that CIA Italy is up to the challenge."


Gian Marco Litrico
External Relations Director and Media H3G relations
Tel. 39 02 30 901 316
Fax. 39 02 30 901 507
Mobile 39 348 590 87 86
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Chantal Hamende
External Relations and Media Relations
Tel. 39 06 571 762 26
Fax. 39 06 571 762 53
Mobile 39 348 590 87 86
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Carlotta Rossi Spencer
External Relations and Media Relations
Tel. 39 02 309 01 349
Fax. 39 02 309 01 507
Mobile 39 348 532 10 29
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