"Good Suggestion" Award
(Hong Kong, 27 September 2000) - In order to enrich the content of the ESDlife portal, the first portal which integrates both electronic government and personal life services (www.esdlife.com) and cater for the needs of different walks of life in the society, ESDlife invites Hong Kong people to participate in the "Good Suggestion" Award.
The soon-to-be-launched ESDlife electronic public and personal life services portal will set Hong Kong in the digital vanguard in full strength. ESDlife values the opinion and participation of all citizens in Hong Kong to help improve this portal which will be indispensable to everyday life. "Good Suggestion" Award is specially created to provide an opportunity for people to express their ideal lifestyle. From now until 31 October 2000, citizens can send an email to editor@esdlife.com and express their ideas and opinions on the content, webpage design, services and information of the seven ESD Clubs which cater for different stages of life, including ESDbaby, ESDkids, ESDteens, ESD1822, ESDcouples, ESDprime and ESDseniors. The top three most constructive suggestions will be awarded with HK$1,000 cash prize and ESDlife will incorporate these suggestions to enrich the content of the portal.
From now on, all registered ESD Club members will receive a limited edition CD-ROM of the ESDlife theme song "I live for my life". This special title is performed by five pop artists, Andy Hui, William So, Mark Lui, Flora Chan and Rain Li. Contents of the CD-ROM also include MTV, interview of the artists, demonstration of the electronic government services, as well as ESDlife screen saver. Members may also have a chance to win tickets for the upcoming concert in late October performed by the five artists together with Kelly Chan.
Not only does ESDlife play an important part in our daily life, it is also a spectacular electronic infrastructure project placing Hong Kong at the digital vanguard. As a citizen of Hong Kong, ESDlife solicits your participation in this "Good Suggestion" Award for a new and pleasurable life.
For media enquiry:
ESD Services Limited
Sally Tsang
Tel: 2128 6708
Email: sallyt@hgc.com.hk