Press Release
14 April 2003
Pricing, Products and Services
Hutchison 3G Austria - under the brand name "3" - is launching its mobile multimedia services. The services range from video telephony, video clips and video messaging to 3Geo, a geographical information system. With this system, applications with downloadable maps assists the user in finding e.g. an apothecary, a certain address or a particular restaurant.
Nation-wide and international Services from Day 1
With a 3Mobile - as Hutchison 3G calls the device - under the prefix 0660, customers can use typical services such as voice telephony, SMS, MMS anywhere in the Austria. Other services such as video telephony will only be available in Vienna, St Pölten, Graz, Linz. Customers will be able to roam internationally with their 3Mobiles.
The offer and the price: Simple, valuable and fair
The 3Mobile - Everything in One
The 3 Mobile is simultaneously a telephone, PDA, dicta-phone, camera and video recorder and player and audio recorder and player. Hutchison 3G is offering the NEC e606 - with 2 cameras, 32 MB memory, colour display, blue tooth and/or USB - for €576 for one customer and €899 for two.
Two service oriented packages - no expensive monthly access fee, no minimum commitment.
€39 for 3Video + 3Basic: For €39 per month, customers receive 66 minutes of video calls, 33 downloads, 99 information service connections, 133 minutes of voice calls within Austria, 33 minutes of calls within the EU, or to the USA and Canada and 33 SMS's. Services beyond these limits are posted to the bill.
€69 for 3Video + 3Power: For €69 per month, customers receive an additional 200 minutes of voice calls within Austria and 33 additional minutes of calls within the EU, or to the USA or Canada. An additional 33 SMS are also included.
3Mobiles - The new world of Communication
3Mobiles only appear from their general shape like the old "handys". They have video cameras, large memory capacities (at least 32 MB), colour displays, and blue tooth and /or USB connections. Additionally, the browser in the 3Mobile has the intelligence to maximise the audio and visual quality of the incoming data.
The services from Hutchison 3G - Wherever and whenever you wish you had it.
This is how Hutchison 3G is referring to its services and it is what differentiates its services from those of the past. For example: 3News its not just about transferring data that is available to customers. The data is produced according to the customers wishes and optimised for the 3Mobile. With a 3Mobile, customers can fill their personal communication, information and entertainment wishes - everywhere.
From May 5, 2003: 3Mobiles in 3Stores
On the 5th of May, 3Stores will be opening in Vienna, SCS Vösendorf, Graz and Linz. 3Mobiles will later be available in retail partners. There are enough 3Mobiles for launching commercial operations.
Early Bird Offer
Customers, who sign on before the 5th of May pay no activation fee, receive their wish number, a 3Startbonus, retractable earphones and a leather carrying case. Registrations will be take from the 16th of April, 24 hours a day, in the 3Webshop .