Sphere No.48 (Jan 2020)

Sphere #48 2020 24 The Sound of Tri Since 2017, the Sound of Tri has brought Indonesian musical talent to the fore through live music events across the country. That year, 32 locations hosted events in 13 cities. Over 200 independent bands entered the contest. From this huge selection, 10 songwriters were selected to receive a big boost from 3 Indonesia. They were able to work with 3 -sponsored professional music producers to bring their work to ‘industry-level quality’. Then, the biggest acts in Indonesia were invited to play alongside the Sound of Tri-discovered stars at two huge concerts in the nation’s capital of Jakarta and the East Javan city of Malang. Both their solo originals and collaborations were showcased. The pairings brought together the established stars’ audiences with the energy of the Sound of Tri winners. The top 10 were promoted across 3 Indonesia’s platforms, and this included sales of their songs on the 3 app, bima+. This was a winner for the artists who received download income shared with 3 Indonesia. From the 10, the emerging duo of Manjakani were chosen as 3 ambassadors. ‘Manjakani’ is a plant known to Indonesians for its healing power – and now a musical duo’s acoustic guitars and soulful vocals that heal people’s hearts. Rejecting flashy looks and visuals, they dress simply and keep the focus on the music; music tells their story. Together, they lead 3 Indonesia’s ongoing nationwide #SiapaTakut (#BringItOn) campaign encouraging young Indonesians to find their inner creativity and to let it out without fear. This has led to 3 Indonesia commanding a top spot as a brand leader supporting Indonesian musical aspirations into the next decade. The nationwide sourcing of new bands is important. The industry has been perceived as harder to penetrate for acts farther away from Jakarta. 3 Indonesia wanted to support all Indonesian youth and cast a wide net. “Although they originate far from the capital, these bands deserve more exposure. Together with Tri, they are given the opportunity to be known by more music lovers,” said Dolly Susanto, 3 Indonesia’s Chief Commercial Officer. Bigger, better, integrated From there, the Sound of Tri efforts have been supported by a range of 3 Indonesia initiatives that work in a complementary fashion. The bima+ app is 3 Indonesia’s flagship app and digital platform. The music from the Sound of Tri Festival winners is hosted, promoted and streamed to over 29 million users of the app. During the contest, those using the app can vote for their favourite artists. 3 – Where creative ambitions are born The Creator Reborn series is another major platform in 3 Indonesia’s support of the creative spirit of Indonesia’s enormous youth cohort. It started with the #AmbisikuBikinBangga (My Ambition is Proud) KampusKu roadshow to 25 universities across the country. Special data packages enabled students to access media to help them participate in the major elements of the Creator Reborn competitions: short movie, EDM (electronic dance music), and e-Sport. The EDM competition, a popular musical format among young people, saw 95 aspiring DJs step up. While in the past DJs on radio just selected songs to play, modern DJs use the whole universe of sampled and original sounds to create newmelodies and rhythms, often with a guest vocalist overlay. Around the world, top DJs command eight-figure salaries (in US$) and 3 Indonesia is helping to elevate the best of Indonesia in this genre. Over 12,000 people participated in the competitions through a variety of media, all with 3 prominently featured as the supporter of Indonesian youth. Running fromDecember 2018 to February 2019, all eyes were on the finalists who came together in Jakarta for the climax at Bima Day. >> 3 Harmonises the world Bima Day is where it all comes together for 12,000 Indonesian youths (right). It also unleashes the creative spirit of a young nation through modern and timeless art forms (left).