Sphere No.49 (Aug 2019)

>> SPHERE #47 2019 21 he human mind is beset by distractions and trivialities, a constant condition which is only aggravated by modern living. Thousands of years ago, the young prince Siddh -artha Gautama sat for years under a Bodhi tree until clarity prevailed and the Buddha came to be. From this revelation was founded a religion, a movement, a transcendent spirituality that transformed the course of humanity. T Over the ages, man has sought that enlightenment and it has inspired art that aims to edify the soul. Some of that art survives the ages and is gathered in special places to allow for genuine contemplation. Sometimes it is in a temple, sometimes a museum. In rare cases, it is both: the Tsz Shan Monastery Buddhist Art Museum. Clarity • Compassion • Action