Sphere No.49 (Aug 2019)

HOLISTIC INTEGRATION 135MILLION LOYAL CUSTOMERS ASW’S DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION >> WATSONVIEW, CLEARER VIEW Collecting billions and billions of data points is completely useless – and would not be undertaken at great ingenuity and expense – unless there was a reasonable expectation of being able to understand the data, share the results and then take action. The first step, therefore, is understanding. WatsonView is an insights platform that allows planners to see emerging trends and then act. Graphic representation is key to seeing where product sales and other key data are headed and how they are connected to sales-influencing factors. While older systems needed IT departments which took hours to generate reports, WatsonView enables real-time dashboards ASW’s brain has what scientists now call plasticity – the ability to change, reorganise, and reform. to be created. Different business units can create their own dashboards – and then share them with others, for cross-departmental and cross-company understanding. Users can slice and dice the data and drill down to examine single store or single product performance. The ASW culture is empowering managers at the store level to make daily decisions, and also provides vital data to global planners in regional analyst hubs in Hong Kong and London. It’s a major change of mindset – every ASW business unit now has its own digital vision house to align the goal of digital transformation with all functions within the company. The DataLab team gains an understanding of consumer attitudes from its research arm, WISE. Connecting business units across national boundaries and internal departments, an integrated O+O approach provides actionable, integratedWISE-dom.