Sphere No.46 (Mar 2019)
01 Innovation is crucial to the future growth of the CK Hutchison Group and, indeed, any successful venture of scale. It arises from an environment where people learn from one another and where diversity in thinking is encouraged. Chairman Victor Li affirmed his confidence in a learning environment in his first address as Chairman to the Annual Dinner in Hong Kong, saying “It is my belief there is always something to learn from everyone”. Beon Energy Solutions agrees. This Australian energy firm is pioneering a business model which upskills local workers facing special employment challenges. Instead of undertaking an expensive and temporary programme of importing skilled labour, Beon’s approach sees everyone learn. It transforms local lives and communities and is an innovative model that could be used around the world. A long-term commitment to innovation has seen Chi-Med mark a historic first as its home-grown single-molecule-based medicine, Elunate®, was given unconditional approval to treat colorectal cancer in China. Chi-Med is growing its infrastructure to bring its lifesaving drugs to patients in Europe, the US, Canada, Australia and more. With all this innovation, sometimes we must say goodbye to a physical marker of history. Hutchison House in Hong Kong will be retired this year and a 41-storey modern building will rise in its place. The Group’s past will not be forgotten in the face of this constant renewal. As Chairman Li said, “We continue to build on CK Group’s heritage and adhere to the motto of ‘advancing without forgoing stability’”. With that, we march onwards! “It is my belief there is always something to learn from everyone.” Victor T K Li Chairman WELCOME Sphere Magazine #46 March 2019 Cover Illustration Jessica Li Chi-Med has cancer in its cross hairs. This cover graphically portrays the deep science that underpins the development of Chi-Med’s newly discovered molecules into full-blown medicines. Advancing through stability Feedback and Enquiries SphereE@ckh.com.hk Published by CK Hutchison Holdings Limited 48/F Cheung Kong Center 2 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong Available on www.ckh.com.hk All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written permission from CK Hutchison Holdings Limited. Opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of CK Hutchison Holdings Limited. All currency conversions are approximations. ©2019 by CK Hutchison Holdings Limited (A limited liabilityCayman Islands company registered and listed inHongKong) CK Hutchison In-house Editorial Team Laura Cheung Jeremy Lau Hans Leung Erica Liu Wendy Luk Ada Chan Consulting Editor Andrew Work