Sphere No.45 (Sep 2018)
SPHERE #45 2018 05 RETAIL CKC18 combines our best in a high-concept store CKC18 is haute couture for retail, an innovative retail concept experiment in the Cheung Kong Center in Hong Kong. This advanced retail showroom of the future features Scan & Go self-checkout and other revolutionary technologies. Shopping and technology combine with new takes on A S Watson’s finest including “food le parc”, a “WatsonsLab” health and beauty zone, an innovative “TechLife by FORTRESS” tech zone and a “Bar 0001 by Watson’s Wine” wine zone. Cheers! RETAIL GRADUATION DAY The ASWRetail Academy’s first graduating class saw 120 staff successfully complete their Level 4 and 5 courses under Hong Kong’s Qualifications Framework. Students and professors gathered at Hong Kong Polytechnic University to celebrate the launch of Hong Kong’s first-ever retail academy. Top of the class: Retail showroom of the future! ASW PARTNERS WITH L’ORÉAL FOR COLORLAB A SWatson Group (ASW) is all about fashion, and its new partnership with L’Oréal leads the way with Colorlab – the new, exciting, personalisedmake-up consultancy where artists help customers to show their true colours! Mr Victor Li (fifth from left), Chairman and Group Co-Managing Director of CK Hutchison, and Mr Dominic Lai (fourth from left), ASW Group Managing Director, join the team to celebrate the opening of CKC18.