Sphere No.45 (Sep 2018)

Feedback and Enquiries SphereE@ckh.com.hk Download Sphere online 01 Let us be crystal clear: There are no endings in this story. The story begins with a precocious boy in China who sees his world turned upside down by war. He makes his way to Hong Kong with his father, who dies while the youngster is still a boy – forcing him to become a man. He gains the trust of his employer, his customers and then investors. His business empire grows. And grows. And grows. There is a genius behind that growth. From creating products and finding customers to spotting opportunities and making deals, that genius grows the business around the world. Systems and structures are created and replicated to create the world’s biggest ports business, a health and beauty retailer, a massive telecoms empire, an energy and infrastructure conglomerate, and so much more. The world’s best and brightest are brought together in a global community under the Cheung Kong banner. Underlying that community are morals and standards that guide the actions of over 300,000 staff in the CK Group. Beyond the employees who provide for themselves and their families, there are countless millions, even billions, more whose lives are touched by these companies. Mr Li Ka-shing is at the heart of this great enterprise. While stepping down from the formal role of Chairman of CK Hutchison and CK Asset, he will, in his own words, “be suiting up in a new coat of armour, working to effect positive change through my Foundation’s philanthropic work in health, education and the relief of suffering”. His guiding spirit very much drives both the Group and his charitable foundation in growing, creating and making the world a better place. Mr Victor Li, who has worked side-by- side with Mr Li senior at the CK Group for 33 years, takes the helm as Chairman. His entire adult life has been devoted to the Group and he will continue to lead it towards the next new horizon of growth. Like the great Cheung Kong river, this enterprise flows on to bring life and vitality to people around the globe. There is no ending to this story. Only a bright future. Onwards! There is no ending to this story. Only a bright future. WELCOME Sphere Magazine #45 September 2018 Cover Image One photo, or even a hundred, cannot capture the richness of a story that starts with one man and a small plastics factory that becomes a global business empire. The animating spirit of Cheung Kong, also known as the River Yangtze, connects the people and events that comprise the CK Group history. THE RIVER FLOWS ON Published by CK Hutchison Holdings Limited 22/F Hutchison House 10 Harcourt Road Central Hong Kong Available on www.ckh.com.hk All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without written permission from CK Hutchison Holdings Limited. Opinions expressed herein are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of CK Hutchison Holdings Limited. All currency conversions are approximations. ©2018 by CK Hutchison Holdings Limited (A limited liabilityCayman Islands company registeredand listed inHongKong) CK Hutchison In-house Editorial Team Laura Cheung Jeremy Lau Hans Leung Erica Liu Wendy Luk Ada Chan Cheryl Chao Consulting Editor Andrew Work