Sphere No.43 (Oct 2017)
SPHERE #43 2017 09 REGIONAL FEATURE A legacyof civilisation he Middle East and East Africa have a long history of being at the crossroads of seaborne trade, driving innovation and learning that led to the birth of great empires. Actually, grander than empires: civilisations. Today, CK Hutchison’s efforts in the region support millennia-old trade routes and drive technological change that will help secure its future. THE MIDDLE EAST? MIDDLE OF THE WORLD! From the mountainous Caucasus to the fertile Nile Valley, the Middle East was for millennia known as the civilised world. It was the centre of the world, with barbarism at its fringes. The Hellenistic, Persian, Roman, and Ottoman empires were all blessed with – at times – diversity, tolerance, military strength and vibrant trade. For thousands of years, the Middle East connected the known worlds, Western empires and their Eastern counterparts. Those empires may have risen and fallen, but intermediaries from the Middle East T INNOVATION The twin forces of trade and innovation have driven the founding of many of humanity’s greatest civilisations. TheMiddle East and East Africa bore witness to those empires and are now a vital part of CK Hutchison’s success. The Middle East and East Africa Roman Empire Ethiopian Empire Hellenistic Empire Persian Empire Ottoman Empire Aksumite Empire