The LKSF’s education mission transcended old-school learning as
it brought Singularity University’s leading thinkers to 300 of
Hong Kong’s most promising young minds.
ingularity. The word has
its origins in the Middle
Ages, but now is very, very
modern. It encompasses, in
two meanings, the origins
of the universe and, perhaps humanity’s
end. To astronomers, it is the moment of
the Big Bang, the dividing line between
nothing – then something. To computer
scientists, it is the moment when
computers will awake and realise their
consciousness, growing beyond their
human-provided programming.
Singularity University,
Exponential Universe
At Singularity University, the meaning
embraces the sense of explosive growth,
of mankind at an inflection point beyond
which everything will change. Their
‘singularity’ is not tinged with fear of
computers running amok, but is an exciting
point in humanity’s development when the
making of a new world will be possible – if
we expand our minds and adopt new ways
of thinking.
It was this expanded mindset that the
Li Ka Shing Foundation (LKSF) brought
to Hong Kong in April this year. The
Techcracker Exponential Learning Program
welcomed over 300 high school and
university students at Chi Sun College at
the University of Hong Kong for a cross-
discipline look at the future from Silicon
Valley’s brightest minds.
Singular Singularity
The ‘university’ defies old definitions of a
venerable school of traditional learning.
Founded in 2008, its team of visionaries
and partners from around the world
are no ivory tower academics, but
Hong Kong based illustrator, Eliot Lee, summarises the speeches at
Singularity University into fun, easy to understand and thought-provoking graphics.
Philanthropy Focus