One of the key
concepts of
palliative care is
allowing patients
to go through
the final stage of
their lives in peace
and with dignity
feel that there is no need to be too polite to one’s family.”
She constantly reminds herself to treasure every person, ev-
ery experience and every object. She also hopes terminal cancer
patients and their families will open their hearts to one another
through their participation in the activities held in the centre.
“Although the patients are sick, they have the opportunity to
put the rest of their lives in order. There are many who don’t
even have a chance to do that,” Fiona said. “I hope I can help the
patients make the most of their remaining time on earth.”
Fiona’s goal is also the key principle of hospice care. If we are
able to walk towards the end of our lives at peace with ourselves
and the world, then we have found true happiness!
Day-care centres organise a
variety of activities to help
patients relax and lift their spirits.
Dr Anne Lee talks
to a volunteer.
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